The key to exercise solutions for the textbook Navigate Upper-Intermediate B2 - Workbook with authors Rachael Roberts and Caroline Krantz from Oxford University Press
1.1 - The rules of conversation
1.2 - The letter is dead, long live the letter!
1.3 - Vocabulary development
1.4 - Speaking and writing
2.1 - Out of your comfort zone
2.2 - An extraordinary escape
2.3 - Vocabulary development
2.4 - Speaking and writing
2.5 - Reading for pleasure
Review: Units 1 and 2
3.1 - Invest in your future
3.2 - The changing face of work
3.3 - Vocabulary development
3.4 - Speaking and writing
4.1 - Inventive ideas
4.2 - Creative environments
4.3 - Vocabulary development
4.4 - Speaking and writing
4.5 - Listening for pleasure
Review: Units 3 and 4
5.1 - As if it were yesterday ...
5.3 - Vocabulary development
5.4 - Speaking and writing
6.1 - Crossing cultures
6.2 - Alone or together?
6.3 - Vocabulary development
6.4 - Speaking and writing
6.5 - Reading for pleasure
Review: Units 5 and 6
7.1 - Finders keepers?
7.2 - Rules at work
7.3 - Vocabulary development
7.4 - Speaking and writing
8.1 - The Internet of Things
8.2 - Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z
8.3 - Vocabulary development
8.4 - Speaking and writing
8.5 - Listening for pleasure
Review: Units 7 and 8
9.1 - Dark days and white nights
9.3 - Vocabulary development
9.4 - Speaking and writing
10.1 - Can you believe your eyes?
10.2 - Sense of humour
10.3 - Vocabulary development
10.4 - Speaking and writing
10.5 - Reading for pleasure
Review: Units 9 and 10
11.1 - Extreme streaming
11.2 - Positive news
11.3 - Vocabulary development
11.4 - Speaking and writing
12.1 - Nearest and dearest
12.2 - If I could turn back time ...
12.3 - Vocabulary development
12.4 - Speaking and writing
12.5 - Listening for pleasure
Review: Units 11 and 12