Cover of the textbook Performer B2 - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 1

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 6 - Listening for the textbook Performer B2 - Student's Book with authors Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella, Margaret Layton from Zanichelli


Discuss. Which of these posters would be most effective in an online campaign to promote environmental awareness among young people? Why?


For an online campaign to promote environmental awareness among young people, the most effective poster would likely be:

#LeaveTheLeaves Removing the leaves also eliminates vital wildlife habitat

Here's why:

  1. Relevance to Young People: This campaign resonates with young people who are likely to be active on social media platforms. The hashtag #LeaveTheLeaves is catchy and can easily be shared across various social media channels, making it more likely to catch the attention of young people.
  2. Visual Appeal: The message of preserving wildlife habitat by leaving the leaves appeals to emotions and can be illustrated with visually appealing graphics or images of wildlife, which are likely to grab attention on social media feeds.
  3. Actionable Message: Unlike some of the other posters which highlight issues without clear actions, this poster suggests a specific action that young people can take to contribute positively to the environment. It encourages them to leave the leaves, which is a simple behavior change they can implement in their daily lives.
  4. Connection to Biodiversity: Biodiversity and wildlife conservation are increasingly important topics for young people who are concerned about the impact of human activities on the natural world. By highlighting the connection between removing leaves and eliminating vital wildlife habitat, this poster educates and raises awareness about an important environmental issue.

Overall, the #LeaveTheLeaves poster effectively combines a catchy message, visual appeal, actionable steps, and relevance to young people, making it the most effective choice for an online campaign to promote environmental awareness among this demographic.