Cover of the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 2

The key answer of exercise 3

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 4 - Preliminary for the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 2 with authors Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella e Margaret Layton from Zanichelli


DISCUSSION. Work with a partner. Talk to each other about facilities and leisure activities for teenagers in a small or a big place. Use these questions.


Sample Answer

  • Partner 1: Hey there! So, let's talk about facilities and leisure activities for teenagers. What do you think are the advantages of living in a big city?
  • Partner 2: Well, in a big city, there's a ton of stuff for teenagers to do. You've got movie theaters, shopping malls, various sports facilities, and so many cultural events.
  • Partner 1: Absolutely! The cultural scene is vibrant, and there are always concerts or art exhibitions happening. Plus, there are plenty of options for dining and socializing.
  • Partner 2: True. And the diversity of activities means there's something for everyone. You can explore different interests and hobbies easily.
  • Partner 1: That's a good point. Now, what about the advantages of living in a small town or a country village?
  • Partner 2: Well, in a smaller place, there's often a strong sense of community. Everyone knows each other, which can be nice. It feels safer, too.
  • Partner 1: Yeah, and there's usually more nature around. Parks, hiking trails, or just open spaces. It's a different kind of environment for leisure activities.
  • Partner 2: Also, it might be quieter, allowing for a more relaxed atmosphere. And sometimes, there's less pressure compared to the fast-paced city life.
  • Partner 1: Good points. So, which do you prefer – the big city or a small town? And why?
  • Partner 2: Personally, I think I prefer a big city. I like the energy, the opportunities, and the diversity of activities. How about you?
  • Partner 1: I'm leaning toward a small town or village. I appreciate the sense of community and the tranquility. It feels like a different quality of life.
  • Partner 2: Nice! It's interesting how our preferences can shape what we value in our living environment.
  • Partner 1: Definitely! And it also depends on what kind of facilities and leisure activities are important to us.