Cover of the textbook Into Focus B1

The key answer of exercise 1

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Focus on BBC Video 2 for the textbook Into Focus B1 with authors Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Silvia Minardi e Daniel Brayshaw from Pearson Longman


Read the definition then answer the questions.


  1. Example of an urban legend: One famous urban legend is the story of "The Vanishing Hitchhiker." In this tale, a driver picks up a hitchhiker who mysteriously disappears from the back seat without explanation, often at a location connected to a tragic past. Though many people tell this story as if it really happened, it's an enduring myth passed down through generations.
  2. Difference between an urban legend and fake news: An urban legend is typically a fictional or exaggerated story that spreads organically over time, often without harmful intent. It serves as entertainment or cautionary tales, but isn't usually created with the purpose of deceiving. In contrast, fake news is deliberately fabricated information designed to mislead people, often to manipulate public opinion, create confusion, or serve political or financial agendas.
  3. Can science prove a story is just an urban legend? How? Yes, science can contribute to debunking urban legends by applying critical analysis, evidence-based research, and experimentation. For example, scientists might use forensic investigations, historical research, or psychological studies to show that events described in an urban legend are implausible or impossible. Urban legends often thrive on emotional appeal, but scientific methods can reveal logical flaws or inconsistencies in the story.

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