Cover of the textbook iDiscover 1

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter CLIL - Science for the textbook iDiscover 1 with authors Elizabeth Foody from Pearson Education


Look at the fact file about an earthquake in Haiti. Do some research and create a fact file about a recent earthquake.



  • Where: Haiti
  • Date: August 14, 2021
  • Cause: The earthquake was triggered by the movement along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system.
  • Damage: Thousands of buildings were damaged or destroyed, including homes, schools, and hospitals.
  • Deaths: Over 2,200 reported deaths.
  • Injured people: Thousands of people were injured, with many requiring medical assistance.
  • Magnitude: Initially reported as 7.2

Additional Information:

  • The earthquake struck the southern part of Haiti, particularly affecting the Nippes, Sud, and Grand'Anse departments.
  • The disaster exacerbated the country's ongoing challenges, including political instability, poverty, and inadequate infrastructure.
  • The affected areas faced significant challenges in providing emergency medical care, shelter, and other essential services to survivors.
  • International aid organizations, neighboring countries, and the United Nations provided assistance to support rescue and relief efforts.
  • The earthquake occurred amid the COVID-19 pandemic, further complicating the response and recovery efforts.