Cover of the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1

The key answer of exercise 26

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Workbook Unit 10 - Get the look for the textbook Engage!, Vol. 1 with authors Monica Berlis, Jane Bowie, Heather Jones e Barbara Bettinelli from Pearson Longman


Traduci in inglese.


  1. A: How long has your sister been living in London? B: She moved there in January, so she has been living in London for six months.
  2. My sister worked in a shop for ten years, but she has always loved cooking, so two years ago she opened a restaurant. Her restaurant has become very famous.
  3. A: Have you ever been to France? B: Yes, I went to Paris four years ago with my family.
  4. Have you seen my earrings? I put them on that table last night, but they're gone now.
  5. My father retired two years ago. He has been working for a charity for three months now.
  6. A: How long have you had this jacket? B: For six years. Do you think it looks good on me?
  7. A: Can you help me? I don't know what to wear for Jonathan's party. B: Why don't you wear the black trousers? They really suit you.
  8. A: How long have you known Lisa? B: We have been friends since we were little.