Cover of the textbook Speakout Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 2

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 7.2 - The memory men for the textbook Speakout Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Antonia Clare and J. J. Wilson from Pearson Education


  1. Read sentences a)-h), then discuss questions 1-3 with a partner.
  2. Look at the words in bold in exercise 2A. Then listen to the sentences and answer the questions.



  1. hopeless, useless
  2. nouns → expert, ability, aptitude; adjectives → gifted, skilful, talented hopeless, useless
  3. expert → with special skills or knowledge of a subject; gifted → having a natural ability to do something; ability → the state of being able to do something; skilful → good at doing something that you have learnt and practised; aptitude → a natural ability or skill, especially in learning; talented → have a natural ability to do something well; hopeless / useless → very bad at doing something


  1. expert, gifted, ability, skilful, aptitude, talented, hopeless, useless
  2. Expert, gifted, skilful, hopeless and useless have two syllables. The stress in two-syllable words is usually on the first syllable.

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