Cover of the textbook Speakout Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 1

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 3.4 - Youtube: The future of TV? for the textbook Speakout Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Antonia Clare and J. J. Wilson from Pearson Education


Read six opinions about YouTube. What do the words in bold mean?


  1. creators → people who make things (in this case, videos) consumers → people who use a service
  2. adverts → advertisements - public announcements of something for sale
  3. audience → people who watch or listen to something
  4. content → creative material or information that is presented techniques → technical skills used to create or present something
  5. subscribe → register by giving basic personal details and your email address in order to receive something regularly or join a group
  6. investment → spending of money in order to achieve something or gain a profit.

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