Cover of the textbook Speakout Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 3

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 2.4 - Hustle for the textbook Speakout Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Antonia Clare and J. J. Wilson from Pearson Education


  1. Watch the programme. What problems did Finch encounter?
  2. Match the words in the two columns to make common crime collocations. Work with your partner. What do these words mean?
  3. Tick the things above which you see in the clip. Which of the above do you not see?



  • a monkey screams
  • an alarm goes off
  • he is searched when he arrives in the UK


  1. e
  2. a
  3. g
  4. f
  5. d
  6. c
  7. b


  • 6c (loaded weapon) does not appear in the clip.
  • 4f (burglar alarm) is also not seen, but one is heard.