The key to exercise solutions in chapter 3.4 - London for the textbook Speakout Advanced - Students' Book with authors Antonia Clare and J. J. Wilson from Pearson Education
Compare your notes in pairs. What do they say in answer to the questions below? Which questions don’t they answer?
Listen again. How do the speakers complete the key phrases? Check your answers in audio script 3.6 on page 168.
incredible diversity, huge
highs → one of the highest standards of living in the world, long life expectancy, one of the wealthiest countries; lows → bad winter weather, cold temperatures
geographically → massive, second largest country in the world after Russia; documentary → huge range of fresh water, great lakes and rivers, three coasts, incredible diversity of wildlife, climate and landscape (temperate rainforests, deserts, arctic prairies, volcanoes, mountains, forests), longest coastline in the world
The USA and Canada both have a history of indigenous people and they share the longest border in the world.
people's characteristics and values
highs → values, value of family and friends, great sense of solidarity and care for friends, resourcefulness and laid-back quality of people dealing with problems; lows → a lot of strikes and struggles and uncertainty
documentary → day in someone's life showing what's going on in the country
family get together on Sundays to catch up on the week, celebrate Friends' Day
very different from other parts of Latin America, e.g. Brazil (Brazilians are upbeat while Argentinians have a melancholy temperament and yearning for the old way of life.)
(Canada) has one of the highest standards of living in the world.
On the downside, I suppose, you have to deal with bad winter weather.
I would describe (Canada) as geographically massive.
We're very, very lucky in (Canada) to have a huge range of fresh water, great lakes, rivers everywhere.
Undoubtedly one of the best things about (Argentina) is the values.
People are very warm, very caring and we've got a great sense of solidarity.
(Argentinians), we've got a sense of longing for the old world.