The girl in the blue apron (A)
- character / appearance → looks nice, mid-thirties, friendly, something in her eyes, about to laugh, serene, you'd get on with her
- job → in a bakery or a posh deli because of the white marks on her apron
The older lady (C)
- character / appearance → looks dignified, intellectual, she's seen a lot, pretty, snazzy outfit, nice make-up
- job → a lecturer in a university, something brainy, a model, something to do with fashion
The young guy (B)
- character / appearance → looks happy, pretty cool, big smile, bright T-shirt, creative, looks like a laugh, cool hair
- job → creative, something to do with computers, graphic design, something cool, designs bags, marketing, receptionist at a gym
- C
- A
- B
- A
- B
- C