Cover of the textbook Speakout Advanced Plus - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 6.2 for the textbook Speakout Advanced Plus - Workbook with authors Richard Storton from Pearson Education


Report the conversations using the verbs in the box.


  1. Anna insisted that Peter should get ready and go as his meeting started at two. Peter complained that Anna was rushing him, and explained he was choosing what to wear. Anna advised him to take a taxi as it would be quicker. She warned him not to be late. Peter denied that he had ever been late for an appointment.
  2. Chiara reminded Paul that he had been invited / was to come round to dinner. He promised her that he would be there for eight. She warned him that her father was making spicy food / a really spicy stew. Paul assured her that she needn't worry as he could eat just about anything.

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