Cover of the textbook Speakout Advanced Plus - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 4.2 for the textbook Speakout Advanced Plus - Workbook with authors Richard Storton from Pearson Education


For 1-8, complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words given.


  1. It's common knowledge that the website is full of fake news.
  2. There seems to have been an accident up ahead.
  3. There's sure to be a huge controversy when the story gets out.
  4. It's up to you which film you watch.
  5. It's just dawned on me what she meant.
  6. It's a pity you missed the show.
  7. It is hoped that the conflict will come to an end.
  8. There's little point in discussing the matter again.