The key to exercise solutions in chapter 8.2 - Out of print? for the textbook Speakout Advanced Plus - Students' Book with authors Frances Eales and Steve Oakes from Pearson Education
Listen to the programme. Were your answers to question 1 similar to the professor's? Does the professor give the same reasons as you for question 2?
Read the questions and make notes on anything you remember. Listen again and check. Add any information missing from your notes.
(Professor's ideas)
a) print, because '[it] gives us the opportunity to concentrate' b) both c) print, because of the physical connection
Pros → the smell and touch of a book, it's 'real reading'; Cons → heavy / weigh a lot
Skimming scanning and scrolling
Readers took as much time as they wanted to read a text before a test. Some read print and some read e-readers.
Students who read the e-book version spent less time reading and did worse in the comprehension test.
'getting involved in' = not wanting to be distracted; 'being drawn in' = have the rest of the world disappear; getting lost in the book.
Because they are physically connected to the book.