Cover of the textbook Speakout Advanced Plus - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 3

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 6.2 - In other words for the textbook Speakout Advanced Plus - Students' Book with authors Frances Eales and Steve Oakes from Pearson Education


  1. Work in pairs. In the summarising verbs in Exercise 2B, underline four examples of a weak /ə/ ('schwa') and circle three examples of 'e' weakened to /ɪ/. Listen and check.
  2. Work in pairs. Student A: look at page 129. Student B: look at page 132.



(NB: Underlining shows the schwa sound, bold underlining shows the short /i/ sound.)

  1. a) call for b) allege c) acknowledge d) reprimand
  2. a) repudiate b) maintain c) illustrate d) voice
  3. a) vow b) relate c) plead d) echo


A - Possible stems for the 'summarising' person's sentences:

  1. You illustrated why ...
  2. You're calling for ...
  3. You reprimanded me for ...
  4. You vowed to / that you would ...
  5. You echoed your friends' feelings that ...
  6. You voiced the opinion that ...

B - Possible stems for the 'summarising' person's sentences:

  1. You pleaded for ...
  2. You repudiated the idea that ...
  3. You maintained that ...
  4. You alleged that your neighbour ...
  5. You acknowledged that you'd made mistakes ...
  6. You related a story / experience ...

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