Cover of the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 6

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Review 6 for the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book with authors Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley from National Geographic Learning


Decide if the language in the box is connected to transport and travel or to health and medicine, and in what way.


  • automatic – T&T: cars can be manual or automatic  
  • a dent – T&T: damage to a car
  • get cut up – T&T: if you get cut up, someone drives directly in front of you
  • an inhaler – H&M: you use an inhaler for asthma
  • a leak – T&T: petrol might leak from a car
  • in plaster – H&M: a broken arm is put in plaster
  • swell up – H&M: e.g. if you have an allergic reaction your arm / face, etc. might swell up
  • swerve – T&T: to avoid hitting something
  • a temperature: H&M – if you’re ill you may get a temperature
  • a transplant – H&M: if you need a new kidney or liver, you may have a transplant