Cover of the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 7

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 6 - A shock to the system for the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book with authors Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley from National Geographic Learning


Match the verbs (1-8) from the four emails with the words (a-h) they were used with.


  1. f (pick up = drive to the airport to get someone in the car)
  2. c (mime gazing for a long time out of the window)
  3. g (jet lag is the tiredness you experience when you go from one time zone to another – mime looking lethargic and sleepy)
  4. e (mime working hard at your desk, looking tired and stressed)
  5. a (= tidy up, organise and put things away)
  6. d (= go very well – everything is on time and there are no problems)
  7. h sound their horns (use mime)
  8. b take pride in what they do (= feel positive about what they do, and want to do it well because they feel it is important)

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