Cover of the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 11

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 6 - A shock to the system for the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book with authors Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley from National Geographic Learning


Look back at the four emails and find examples of the following things mentioned in the extract.


  1. In the first email, when Ben first arrived – he was gazing out of the taxi window with his mouth hanging open. It was overwhelming, but in a good way. He was going out a lot and meeting people and having an amazing time.
  2. In the second email, things have settled down a bit. He’s been working long hours. 
  3. In the second email, Ben details all the things that annoy him about Hong Kong, but by the third email, he’s being very critical about life in the UK. 
  4. At the start of the third email, he criticises the food, service, climate and quality of conversation in the UK. He compares it unfavourably to Hong Kong.
  5. In the second email, Tony puts Ben down by calling him one of the Moaning Twins. In his third email Ben puts his friends in the UK down, referring to dull conversation and saying: I don’t know how you lot eat the bland rubbish ...
  6. In the third email, he’s keen to avoid people he knows back home, and, indeed, to avoid the UK as a whole. 
  7. He gets stuck in the transformation stage in that he clearly cuts himself off from his roots and from people he’s known for years. It seems to take him a long time to work through this, as he doesn’t write to his friend Jane for ages. In fact, by the time he gets round to it, he’s got married and had a kid. This seems to have helped him move into the integration phase.

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