Cover of the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 3 - Finding fault for the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book with authors Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley from National Geographic Learning


Listen to part of a radio show about consumer rights and a problem a listener had. Answer the questions.



Fei’s problem was that he bought a pair of shoes and they had a bit missing – the insole.


  1. They accused him of losing the insole himself (and, by implication, lying about it to get another one).
  2. They said he should’ve checked the shoes at the point of sale.
  3. -
  4. They eventually gave him a replacement insole but it didn’t fit!
  5. The first time he went back they said they’d need to look at the CCTV. They didn’t get back to him, so he had to go back again three days later.
  6. -
  7. -
  8. He talked first to an assistant, and then he went back to another assistant, and then finally to the manager.


  • Perhaps he was more confident writing in English than speaking.
  • Perhaps he was still unhappy with the way he’d been treated and wanted help or advice to aid resolution.

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