Cover of the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 15 - This takes me back for the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book with authors Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley from National Geographic Learning


Work in pairs. Look at the words in bold and think about what they might mean from the context. Then answer the questions.


  1. You use a remote / a remote control; you can also flick through a magazine or a newspaper.
  2. No, you find it by accident – if you come across an old house that you decide to buy, it suggests that your weren’t looking for it – you were just walking past it, and there it was.
  3. No. It’s often quite hard to notice. We can also say: a subtle comment, colour or joke.
  4. An expert really knows a lot about things, but if you say someone is a so-called expert, you are suggesting they may claim to be an expert but aren’t really. It’s often used sarcastically or critically.
  5. No. It happens completely by chance.
  6. Possibilities include a Maserati, a Porsche, a Bentley, a Lamborghini, etc. So, in the text, a fancy technique is used critically to describe a way of cooking that is over-complicated.
  7. throw
  8. Because you don’t want to be told the ending – or a crucial part of the plot.
  9. A diner might pass judgement on a restaurant; teachers and students often pass judgement on each other – it is a pompous way of saying that they will decide whether something is good or bad.