Cover of the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 2

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 13 - Going through changes for the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book with authors Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley from National Geographic Learning


Complete the collocations below with nouns from Exercise 1.


  1. bribes (ask who else might sometimes take bribes. Ask what you call the social problem when lots of people take bribes – corruption. Explain that people who take bribes are corrupt.)
  2. job (ask what you can do if you’re offered a job – accept it or turn it down / reject it)
  3. labour (ask how long women are usually in labour – could be two hours, could be 18!)
  4. mortgage (ask what you have to do after taking out a mortgage – pay it back in instalments. Ask what else you have to pay apart from the actual amount borrowed – interest.)
  5. cancer (ask what kind of treatment you get to fight cancer – have a course of chemotherapy)
  6. counsellor (ask what counsellors do – help people with problems, e.g. a marriage guidance counsellor helps married couples who are having problems in their relationship)
  7. day(explain it means‘ decide to end or finish’–can be used to talk about ending a relationship, but also to end a meeting. Shall we / Let’s call it a day.)
  8. date (ask where you might go on a date – cinema, restaurant, etc. Ask how many dates before you become boyfriend and girlfriend – depends on culture / nationality.)
  9. cup (explain you get knocked out in the third round / fourth round / fifth round / quarter finals / semi-finals, but you lose the final)
  10. reception (ask what usually happens at wedding receptions – depends on country / culture)