Cover of the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 2

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 11 - On the road for the textbook Outcomes Upper-Intermediate - Student's Book with authors Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley from National Geographic Learning


With a partner, discuss what you think was rented in each of the sentences in Exercise 1.


  1. surfboard / snowboard / windsurfer (board)
  2. car, van etc. (windscreen and tyres)
  3. car (gears, stiff – possibly also bike / motorbike)
  4. (motor) boat (engine / floating)
  5. car (possibly also motorbike, van, etc.)
  6. canoe (life jacket and helmet)
  7. bike (brakes and downhill – possibly also motorbike / car)
  8. car / van (dent in the side – could be boat)
  9. bike (maybe car – though not usual to get rental people to collect you!)
  10. car / van / etc. (but could be other expensive things such as boat / canoe etc. that you pay insurance for)
  11. bike (handlebars)
  12. windsurfer / sailing boat (we were a little late there wasn’t much wind)

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