Cover of the textbook Outcomes Intermediate - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 9

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 05 - Working life (Part 1) for the textbook Outcomes Intermediate - Workbook with authors Amanda Maris from National Geographic Learning


Mark the links in the sentences in exercise A.


  1. Heᴗinvitedᴗa groupᴗofᴗus to go forᴗa meal.
  2. WhenᴗI lookedᴗat my watch,ᴗI couldn't believeᴗit was 11.30.
  3. Myᴗalarm wentᴗoffᴗat 6.30 butᴗI justᴗignoredᴗitᴗand went back to sleep.
  4. Every time theᴗinterviewerᴗasked me something, my mind just went blank.
  5. It sounded really good, soᴗI decided to go forᴗit.
  6. I rememberedᴗI'd skipped breakfast.
  7. The headᴗof sales lookedᴗa bit surprised but handed them bothᴗover.
  8. Iᴗansweredᴗit becauseᴗit wasᴗoneᴗof my co-workers.

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