The key to exercise solutions in chapter 1 - Putting your words to work for the textbook Outcomes Intermediate - Student's Book with authors Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley from National Geographic Learning
Work in pairs. Decide where each of the eight phrases and sentences from Exercise 8 should go in the story in Exercise 7.
I love the story of how my parents met. My dad was 20. He was travelling around Europe by train. One day my dad took an overnight train to Prague in Czech Republic and during the night he fell asleep. When he woke up he realised they were in Prague. People were getting off the train, so he rushed to get off the train. When he was leaving the station, he saw a policeman looking at someone’s papers and he suddenly realised he didn’t have his passport or money or phone because he’d left his bag on the train. He ran back to the train, but it had gone. He sat down and was sitting there crying, but then this guy came up to him and asked him something in Czech. He then said in English ‘What’s the matter?’ and so my dad explained what had happened. So basically, this guy, who was called Anton, helped him. He took my dad home, gave him something to eat, let him phone his parents to get some money – everything. He was still living with his family, you see, and later that evening my dad met Anton’s parents ... and his sister. And that’s how he met my mother!
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