Cover of the textbook On Screen B2 - Workbook & Grammar

The key answer of exercise 3

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 3a - Reading for the textbook On Screen B2 - Workbook & Grammar with authors Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley from Express Publishing


Find words in the text with a similar meaning to the following words/phrases.


  1. continually: constantly; reporter: correspondent
  2. a task to complete as part of your job: assignment
  3. carry out work: operate; concerned with making profit: commercial
  4. restricted: limited; breathtaking: awe-inspiring
  5. difficult to live in: harsh; chance: opportunity
  6. the most exciting part of an event: highlight; walking with short quick steps while swinging slightly from side to side: waddling
  7. disadvantages: drawbacks; glad because something unpleasant is no longer happening: relieved