The key to exercise solutions in chapter 6e - Speaking skills for the textbook On Screen B1+ - Workbook & Grammar with authors Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley from Express Publishing
You're afraid of public speaking. Write a dialogue in which you tell your friend about it and he / she gives you some advice. Use the ideas from Ex.2 on p.70 and your own ideas. Include the information below. Your friend may:
Student A: Hi, Michelle! How are you?
Student B: Not so good, Mike.
Student A: Why? What's wrong?
Student B: I have to give a speech in my history class next week, and I’m terrified. I can’t sleep. I think I have a phobia of public speaking.
Student A: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. It must be terrible to feel so frightened.
Student B: Yeah, it is.
Student A: Why don’t you see a psychologist? I’m sure he or she could help you get over your fear. Psychologists help people with phobias all the time.
Student B: That’s not a bad idea. Maybe I’ll give it a try.
Student A: Let me know how you get on.
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