Cover of the textbook New Total English Starter - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 6

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 7.2 - Amazing abilities for the textbook New Total English Starter - Students' Book with authors Jonathan Bygrave from Pearson Education


  1. Underline all the examples of can and can’t in the text.
  2. Complete the Active grammar box with can or can’t.



Text 1

  • Can people really talk to animals?
  • Kevin Richardson can.
  • Perhaps he can’t talk ...
  • ... he can understand them
  • He can look into their eyes ...

Text 2

  • Can you use a computer?
  • Ling Din Wen can ...
  • He can write computer programs.
  • Everyone can do it.

Text 3

  • They can speak over ...
  • The twins can’t speak ...


  • - → can't
  • ? → Can; Can; can't; can