Cover of the textbook New Total English Starter - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 3

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 6.1 - Small houses for the textbook New Total English Starter - Students' Book with authors Jonathan Bygrave from Pearson Education


  1. Read the text. What is special about Zaarath and Christopher's apartment?
  2. Read the text again and tick (✓) Yes or No.


a) It is very small.


Zaarath and Christopher

  • children → Yes ✗ - No ✓
  • cats → Yes ✓ - No ✗

Their apartment

  • two windows → Yes ✓ - No ✗
  • a kitchen → Yes ✗ - No ✓
  • a cooker → Yes ✗ - No ✓
  • a fridge → Yes ✓ - No ✗
  • wardrobes → Yes ✗ - No ✓