Cover of the textbook New Total English Pre-Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Writing bank 3 for the textbook New Total English Pre-Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Araminta Crace and Richard Acklam from Pearson Education


  1. Rewrite the notes using appropriate language.
  2. Rewrite the text messages using appropriate language.



  1. Want to meet for breakfast at café on corner on Sunday? Could meet at 10:00?
  2. Yes. Would like you to drive me to airport this afternoon. See you at 4:30. Thanks.
  3. Could get you a magazines after work today because I go past shop. Want me to get you one?


  1. Will meet u at station. Can u buy sandwich 4 me? C u later.
  2. Want 2 come 4 dinner Fri? Haven’t seen u 4 ages. Pls come.
  3. Thanx 4 inviting me 2 your party. Love 2 come.

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