Cover of the textbook New Total English Pre-Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 1

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Review and practice 5 for the textbook New Total English Pre-Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Araminta Crace and Richard Acklam from Pearson Education


Rewrite the sentences using should(n't), can('t) or (don’t) have to.


  1. In the UK, you have to wear seatbelts in the back of a car.
  2. My brother can watch TV for a maximum of two hours a day.
  3. You should go to Germany to improve your German.
  4. You have to show your student card to get a reduction.
  5. You don’t have to drive me to the airport. I'll get a taxi.
  6. You shouldn’t drink coffee just before you go to bed.
  7. You can’t play loud music between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.