Cover of the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 2

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Vocabulary 5 for the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Rachael Roberts, Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson from Pearson Education


  1. Listen to five descriptions and guess what the speakers are describing. Then check your answers on page 148.
  2. Read the Lifelong learning box. Then listen to the descriptions again and complete the sentences (1-5).
  3. Which word, things or stuff, do we use for countable nouns and which do we use for uncountable nouns?



  1. surfing
  2. curry
  3. mud / earth
  4. vacuum cleaner / Hoover
  5. bookshelves


  1. It’s a type of sport which you do in the sea.
  2. It’s a kind of meal you get in Indian restaurants.
  3. It’s the stuff you find under the grass.
  4. It’s something you use for cleaning the house.
  5. They are usually made of wood. They're a useful thing to have in the house.


  • thing → countable
  • stuff → uncountable