Cover of the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 6

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 7.2 - Great teachers for the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Rachael Roberts, Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson from Pearson Education


  1. Check you understand the meaning of the words in the box. Is each one the quality of a good or bad teacher?
  2. choose the correct words in italics.




  • calm
  • clear
  • encouraging
  • enthusiastic
  • imaginative
  • inspiring
  • interesting
  • knowledgeable
  • patient
  • tolerant
  • understanding


  • boring
  • frightening
  • strict

Notestrict can also be a positive quality is it is fair and not too severe.


  1. boring
  2. patient
  3. understanding
  4. knowledgeable
  5. strict
  6. encouraging