Cover of the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 7.1 - Learning from experience for the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Rachael Roberts, Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson from Pearson Education


Look at the How to ... box. Then listen again to the speakers from exercise 1 and tick (✓) the expressions you hear.


  • About a year ago I took an interest in ...
  • I took a one-day crash-course in ...
  • I used to practise ... over and over ...
  • I was amazed how quickly I started picking it up.
  • I’m not sure I'd want to do it again.
  • It was a great experience, even though it was hard work.
  • I really didn’t know what to expect ...