Cover of the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 8

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 4.3 - Spend more! for the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Rachael Roberts, Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson from Pearson Education


  1. Rewrite the sentences below three times using the words a-c. How does the meaning change?
  2. Rewrite the sentences below using unless. Make any other necessary changes.




  1. When they offer me the job, I will take it. (They are definitely going to offer me the job.)
  2. If they offer me the job, I might take it. (I’m not sure that they will offer me the job, or that I will take it.)
  3. As soon as the offer me the job, I will take it. (I won’t hesitate to take the job.)


  1. As soon as I see Tom, I'll tell him. (I'll tell him immediately.)
  2. If I see Tom, I'll tell him. (I’m not sure if I will see him.)
  3. When I see Tom, I can tell him. (I'll be able to tell him. (an offer))


  1. Unless you pay the bill on time, you'll get a fine.
  2. Unless there is something urgent to discuss, he won’t phone us.
  3. I won’t help you unless you help me.
  4. Unless Sandro finds an apartment soon, he'll have to stay at home.
  5. Unless you work hard, you won’t do well in your exams.
  6. It will be a great day out unless it rains.