Cover of the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book

The key answer of exercise 11

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 3.3 - Eco-homes for the textbook New Total English Intermediate - Students' Book with authors Rachael Roberts, Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson from Pearson Education


  1. Look at your answers to exercise 10b. Which are noun + noun and which adjective + noun?
  2. Listen to the compound nouns from exercise 10b and mark which word is stressed.
  3. What type of compound noun has the stress on the second word - noun + noun or adjective + noun?


  1. They are all noun + noun except central heating and mobile phone which are adjective + noun.
  2. Only central heating and mobile phone have stress on the second word.
  3. Adjective + noun compound nouns usually have the stress on the second word.