Where did he / she live?
- Speaker 1 → Canada
- Speaker 2 → Austria
- Speaker 3 → Japan
What was he / she doing there?
- Speaker 1 → starting a packaging business in the publishing industry
- Speaker 2 → gap year from university, work as a teaching assistant
- Speaker 3 → English-language teacher
What did he / she like about the host country?
- Speaker 1 → beautiful city, beaches, mountains, etc, food, friendly people
- Speaker 2 → long weekends, skiing, ice skating, scenery, people
- Speaker 3 → the people
Is there anything he / she didn't like, or that was difficult?
- Speaker 1 → starting a business when Canada's economy wasn't doing well was difficult
- Speaker 2 → the food - Austrians tend to eat a lot of meat, which was difficult as she is vegetarian
- Speaker 3 → she couldn't read Japanese so everyday things (like shopping) were an adventure for her
What are his / her favourite memories of the country?
- Speaker 1 → the open spaces, vastness and the friendly people
- Speaker 2 → scenery, going off into the mountains after school, skiing or swimming in the lakes
- Speaker 3 → the people and learning about Japanese customs and culture
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