Cover of the textbook New Headway Upper-Intermediate - Workbook

The key answer of exercise 2

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 10 - Pronunciation for the textbook New Headway Upper-Intermediate - Workbook with authors Liz Soars, John Soars and Paul Hancock from Oxford University Press


Limericks are short poems with a distinctive rhythm and rhyming pattern (AABBA). Listen and transcribe the lines written in phonetics in these two limerics.


The Pelican

A rare old bird is a pelican

His beak can hold more than his belly can

He can take in his beak

Enough food for a week

And I'm damned if I know how the hell he can!

The Lady from Twickenham

There was a young lady from Twickenham

Whose shoes were too tight to walk quick in them

She came back from a walk

Looking whiter than chalk

And she took them both off and was sick in them.

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