The key to exercise solutions in chapter Review: Unit 11 for the textbook Navigate Elementary A2 - Coursebook with authors Jake Hughes and Katie Wood from Oxford University Press
Cross out any words in italics that are not possible in answers a-e.
Match sentences 1-5 to answers a-e in exercise 3a.
Work in small groups. Use normal/strong adjectives and very/really to say things about the ideas in the box.
a) - b)
Those tablets are small. ; I agree. They're really tiny. (3)
They have a good website. ; Yes, it's brilliant. (5)
Did you see the new music app? ; Yes, I did. It's very/really good. (4)
This GPS is cheap. ; It's very/really cheap. (1)
That's a nice smartphone. ; Thanks, it's really lovely. (2)