The key to exercise solutions in chapter 7.1 - My health, my business for the textbook Navigate Elementary A2 - Coursebook with authors Jake Hughes and Katie Wood from Oxford University Press
Work with a partner. Use the verbs in the box to complete the phrases for a healthy lifestyle.
Listen and check your answers.
Work in small groups. Discuss the questions.
eat lots of fruit and vegetables
take the stairs, not the lift
walk to work
ride a bicycle
drink eight glasses of water a day
do an hour of exercise each day
sleep seven to eight hours a night
go to the gym or an evening class
do physical jobs around the house
b) -
Exercise: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 Not exercise: 1, 5, 7
Don’t smoke or drink unhealthy drinks, eat healthy food with less fat and sugar, use the car less