The key to exercise solutions in chapter 11.2 - Challenges for the textbook Navigate Elementary A2 - Coursebook with authors Jake Hughes and Katie Wood from Oxford University Press
Listen to someone reading website and email addresses a-d. Match symbols 1-5 to the words in the box.
Compare your answers with a partner.
Work with a partner. Practise reading and listening to some more website and email addresses. Student A, turn to page 131. Student B, turn to page 135,
@ (at)
/ (forward slash)
. (dot)
_ (underscore)
- (dash)
b) -
Student A:
www dot myspace dot com forward slash zootwoman
Jack underscore memperton 456 at hotmail dot com
www dot chrisbrock dot co dot uk forward slash personal forward slash
star dash student 74 at thetopschool dot org
Student B:
s dot Lorenzo dash Jefferson at hgg dot org
www dot theblacksea dot eu
every underscore apple333 at gmail dot com
www dot national theatre dot gnbo dot com dot ng forward slash