The key to exercise solutions in chapter 9.3 - News stories for the textbook Navigate Beginner A1 - Coursebook with authors Paul Dummett and Jake Hughes from Oxford University Press
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 9a. Do you think Diaz did the right thing? Why / Why not?
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
Who did the man see?
What did the boy say?
What did the man do?
Why did the man give his jacket to the boy?
How did the story end?
in March 2008
in a train station in New York
a boy with a knife
‘Give me your money’
He gave the boy his wallet and his jacket.
to keep him warm
They went to a restaurant together and talked. When the bill came, the boy gave back all the money.