Cover of the textbook Step Up Gold 1

The key answer of exercise 2

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 8 - Oral competences for the textbook Step Up Gold 1 with authors Philippa Bowen e Denis Delaney from Oxford University Press


A coppie. Immaginate di provare dei vestiti mentre state facendo shopping. Scrivete due dialoghi usando le seguenti informazioni. Usate i dialoghi nell'es.1 come modello.


  1. A: Excuse me. How much is this jumper? B: It's £24.99! What size are you? A: I'm a small. B: Ah, sorry, this is too small for you.
  2. A: Hello! How much are those jeans over there? B: They're £39.99. What size are you? A: I'm a medium. B: Perfect. You can go try them on.
  3. A: Excuse me, how much is this T-shirt? B: Hello, it's £14.49. What size are you? A: I'm a large. Can I try it? B: Sure. The changing rooms are over there. Later... B: So, how was it? A: Too big for me, I will try something else.
  4. A: Hello, how much are those trousers? B: They cost around £32.50. What size are you? A: I'm a small. I will go try them now. Later... B: Everything okay? A: Yes, they fit perfectly!