Cover of the textbook Performer B2 - Student's Book

The key answer of exercise 5 and 6

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 3 - Life comp for the textbook Performer B2 - Student's Book with authors Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella, Margaret Layton from Zanichelli


What is guerrilla gardening? Information and tips to help your presentation. What other ways are there to improve the abandoned areas in towns?


Guerrilla gardening is a form of activism and community gardening where individuals or groups cultivate and beautify neglected or abandoned spaces without permission. It involves transforming unused or neglected land, such as roadside verges, vacant lots, or abandoned properties, into green and vibrant areas by planting flowers, vegetables, or other plants.

Here are some key points and tips to include in your presentation on guerrilla gardening:

  • Origins and Philosophy: Guerrilla gardening originated as a way to reclaim urban spaces and promote environmental awareness. It's rooted in the belief that everyone should have access to green spaces and that communities can come together to improve their surroundings.
  • Benefits: Guerrilla gardening has numerous benefits, including beautifying urban areas, increasing biodiversity, improving air quality, and promoting community cohesion. It can also provide opportunities for urban agriculture and food production.
  • Methods: Guerrilla gardeners often use creative and low-cost methods to cultivate neglected spaces. This can include seed bombing (throwing seed-filled clay balls into vacant lots), guerrilla grafting (grafting fruit-bearing branches onto ornamental trees), and planting in unconventional containers like old tires or shoe racks.
  • Challenges: While guerrilla gardening is a positive endeavor, it does come with challenges. Legal issues and property rights can be a concern, as gardening on public or private land without permission may be illegal. Additionally, maintaining guerrilla gardens requires ongoing effort and community support.
  • Safety and Sustainability: When participating in guerrilla gardening, it's important to prioritize safety and sustainability. Use non-invasive plant species, avoid planting near contaminated soil, and respect local regulations. Engage with the community and seek permission when possible to ensure long-term success.
  • Community Engagement: Guerrilla gardening is most effective when it involves the local community. Encourage participation through workshops, educational events, and social media campaigns. Building partnerships with local authorities and organizations can also help garner support and resources.
  • Examples and Success Stories: Share examples of successful guerrilla gardening projects from around the world. Highlight how these initiatives have transformed neglected spaces, inspired community pride, and sparked positive change.

By incorporating these points into your presentation, you can provide a comprehensive overview of guerrilla gardening and inspire others to take action in their communities.

Ways to Improve Abandoned Areas: There are several approaches to revitalizing abandoned areas in towns, beyond guerrilla gardening:

  • Community Clean-Up Events: Organize volunteer clean-up events to remove debris, trash, and graffiti from abandoned spaces. This not only improves the aesthetics of the area but also fosters a sense of ownership and pride among community members.
  • Temporary Art Installations: Transform abandoned spaces into temporary art galleries or installations. Street art, murals, and sculptures can breathe new life into neglected areas, attracting visitors and sparking conversation about urban renewal.
  • Pop-Up Markets and Events: Utilize abandoned spaces for pop-up markets, food trucks, or cultural events. These activities draw people to the area, stimulate local economy, and create opportunities for social interaction and community building.
  • Adaptive Reuse Projects: Explore opportunities for adaptive reuse, where abandoned buildings are repurposed for new uses. This could involve converting old warehouses into artist studios, transforming vacant storefronts into community centers, or repurposing industrial sites for mixed-use developments.
  • Green Infrastructure Initiatives: Implement green infrastructure projects such as urban gardens, green roofs, or rain gardens in abandoned areas. These initiatives help manage stormwater, mitigate urban heat island effects, and enhance biodiversity while beautifying the landscape.
  • Collaborative Planning and Redevelopment: Engage stakeholders, including residents, business owners, and local government, in collaborative planning and redevelopment efforts. Encourage participatory design processes that reflect the needs and aspirations of the community, ensuring that revitalization projects are inclusive and sustainable.

By adopting a multifaceted approach that combines guerrilla gardening with other strategies for community improvement, we can transform abandoned areas into vibrant and thriving spaces that benefit everyone.