Cover of the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 2

The key answer of exercise 1

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 7 - Presentation and practice 1 for the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 2 with authors Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella e Margaret Layton from Zanichelli


Discuss. Can you think of some ways of being 'green' in your everyday life?


Sample Answer

Living a green lifestyle involves simple yet impactful choices. Start by minimizing waste—say no to single-use items and opt for products with minimal packaging. Conserve resources by fixing leaks to save water and using energy-efficient appliances. Embrace sustainable transportation methods like public transit or carpooling. Make mindful food choices by selecting local, seasonal, and plant-based options while reducing food waste. Support eco-friendly products made from recycled materials. Go paperless by utilizing digital documents and emails, and create an eco-conscious home with energy-efficient systems and green cleaning products. Engage in tree-planting initiatives and share environmental knowledge to promote awareness. Consider the lifecycle and environmental impact of products, supporting companies committed to sustainability. Lastly, reduce your carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources and exploring carbon offset options. These small changes collectively contribute to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way of living.