Cover of the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 2

The key answer of exercise 6

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 11 - Life skills for the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 2 with authors Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella e Margaret Layton from Zanichelli


Write down five tips to improve your self-awareness.


  1. Take time for yourself. Allow yourself some time and space every day - perhaps first thing in the morning or half an hour before sleeping when you stay away from the digital distractions and spend some time with yourself, reading, writing, meditating, and connecting with yourself.
  2. Practice mindfulness so that you can ‘be there’ to observe what’s going on inside and around you. It is about paying attention to your inner states as they arise. You can practise mindfulness at any time you want, through mindful listening, mindful eating or walking.
  3. Keep a journal. Writing not only helps us process our thoughts but also makes us feel connected and at peace with ourselves. Writing can also create more headspace as you let your thoughts flow out onto paper. Research shows that writing down things we are grateful for or even things we are struggling with helps increase happiness and satisfaction. Try this at home - choose half a day at the weekend, pay close attention to your inner world - what you are feeling, what you are saying to yourself, and make a note of what you observe every hour.
  4. Practise being a good listener. Listening is not the same as hearing. Listening is about being present and paying attention to other people’s emotions, body movements and language. It is about showing empathy and understanding without constantly evaluating or judging. When you become a good listener, you will also be better at listening to your own inner voice and become your own best friend.
  5. Ask for feedback. Sometimes we can be too afraid to ask what others think of us. We all have blind spots, so it is helpful to gain different perspectives in order to see a fuller picture of ourselves.