Cover of the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 1

The key answer of exercise 21

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Workbook 5 - Living together for the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 1 with authors Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella e Margaret Layton from Zanichelli


Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Sia Ernest sia Ben sono nati a Leeds.
  2. Mi sono piaciuti entrambi questi libri. Sono entrambe storie d'amore.
  3. Entrambi i fratelli hanno giocato nella stessa squadra l'anno scorso.
  4. Entrambi adorano le feste in famiglia con molti parenti.


  1. Both Ernest and Ben were born in Leeds.
  2. I liked both of these books. They are both love stories.
  3. Both brothers played on the same team last year.
  4. They both love family parties with many relatives.