Cover of the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 1

The key answer of exercise 4

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 5 - Preliminary for the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 1 with authors Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella e Margaret Layton from Zanichelli


An article. You see this announcement in your school English-language magazine. Write your article in about 100 words.


Title: Embracing the Extraordinary: The Essence of a Special Relative

In the tapestry of life, woven with threads of kinship, one particular strand stands out – the special relative. What renders a relative exceptional? Is it the wisdom encapsulated in the lines of their aged faces, the kaleidoscope of their unique personalities, or the common interests that create an unspoken bond?

In moments of separation, the void left by this special relative becomes palpable. Their absence accentuates the significance of shared laughter, stories, and the warmth of their presence. Reflecting on these sentiments, we realize that a special relative is not merely a family connection but a treasure trove of irreplaceable moments, making life richer and more meaningful.