Cover of the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 1

The key answer of exercise 5

The key to exercise solutions in chapter 10 - Culture and Competences for the textbook Performer B1, Vol. 1 with authors Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella e Margaret Layton from Zanichelli


In pairs choose one of the following topics and carry out a research project about it.

  • UNICEF: what they do, where they work and what action they take;
  • projects and worldwide campaigns supporting the right to go to school.

Add some pictures to illustrate your work. Then present your findings to the class.


Sample Structures

Research Project 1: UNICEF


UNICEF, or the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, stands at the forefront of global efforts to secure the well-being of children. This research project aims to delve into the core of UNICEF's operations, exploring its mission, geographical reach, key actions, partnerships, and success stories.


1 - Mission and Activities:

  • Investigate UNICEF's mission and objectives.
  • Analyze the various activities and programs initiated by UNICEF to fulfill its mission.

2 - Geographical Scope:

  • Identify and list the countries or regions where UNICEF operates.
  • Explore the specific challenges faced by children in these areas.

3 - Key Actions:

  • Examine specific actions taken by UNICEF to address issues like education, health, nutrition, and child protection.
  • Explore any recent or ongoing campaigns or initiatives.

4 - Partnerships and Collaborations:

  • Investigate partnerships and collaborations UNICEF has with governments, NGOs, and other organizations.
  • Understand how these collaborations contribute to UNICEF's impact.

5 - Success Stories:

  • Highlight success stories or notable achievements attributed to UNICEF's interventions.
  • Analyze the positive impact of their work on children and communities.


1 - Online Resources:

  • Utilize official UNICEF websites, reports, and publications.
  • Explore reputable news sources and academic articles for a comprehensive understanding.

2 - Interviews:

  • If possible, conduct interviews with UNICEF representatives or individuals who have benefited from UNICEF programs.

3 - Case Studies:

  • Review specific case studies that showcase UNICEF's impact in different regions.


Summarize the findings, emphasizing the breadth of UNICEF's work, the regions they focus on, and the positive outcomes resulting from their efforts. Acknowledge any challenges faced by the organization and propose potential areas of improvement or expansion.

Research Project 2: Projects and Worldwide Campaigns Supporting the Right to Go to School


Education is a fundamental right, and various projects and global campaigns are dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to quality education. This research project aims to explore these initiatives, focusing on their objectives, impact, and innovative approaches to promoting the right to education worldwide.


1 - Overview of Worldwide Campaigns:

  • Identify and describe ongoing worldwide campaigns supporting the right to go to school.
  • Understand the goals and principles behind these campaigns.

2 - Focus on Specific Projects:

  • Select and explore specific projects that actively work to promote access to education.
  • Investigate the scope, target demographics, and geographical locations of these projects.

3 - Impact on Marginalized Communities:

  • Analyze how these campaigns and projects address educational disparities in marginalized or vulnerable communities.
  • Explore the impact on gender equality in education.

4 - Innovations in Education:

  • Investigate if these initiatives incorporate innovative approaches to enhance the quality of education.
  • Explore the use of technology, alternative teaching methods, or community involvement.

5 - Global Partnerships:

  • Identify partnerships between governments, NGOs, and international organizations in support of these campaigns.
  • Evaluate the role of collaboration in expanding the reach and impact of these initiatives.


1 - Desk Research:

  • Utilize online resources, reports, and publications from organizations involved in educational initiatives.
  • Explore academic articles, news sources, and project-specific websites for comprehensive information.

2 - Interviews:

  • If feasible, conduct interviews with representatives from organizations leading these campaigns.
  • Collect insights on challenges faced and strategies employed for success.

3 - Case Studies:

  • Examine specific case studies to understand the real-world impact of these initiatives in different regions.


Summarize the findings, emphasizing the diversity of worldwide campaigns and projects supporting the right to education. Highlight successful strategies, potential areas for improvement, and the collective impact of these initiatives on global education goals. Conclude by discussing the ongoing importance of such efforts in shaping the future for children around the world.