Cover of the textbook My Voice A2/B1

The key answer of exercise 16

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Workbook 8 for the textbook My Voice A2/B1 with authors Bob Hastings, Stuart McKinlay, Catrin Elen Morris, Jane Bowie, Rod Fricker from Pearson Longman


Scrivi le frasi usando i suggerimenti. Ricorda di inserire la virgola se necessario. Poi ascolta e controlla.


  1. If we download this app, it'll help us check train timetables.
  2. If I send him the page, he’ll print it for me.
  3. If you buy something online, will you use a credit card?
  4. Where will they have lunch if they go into the city tomorrow?
  5. What will you print if you use a 3D printer?
  6. If your teacher doesn’t help you, I will explain the answers to you.
  7. If she doesn’t study, she won’t be able to do the exercise.
  8. Will the class visit the museum if they go on a school trip?

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