Cover of the textbook My Voice A2/B1

The key answer of exercise 9

The key to exercise solutions in chapter Grammar Consolidation 8 for the textbook My Voice A2/B1 with authors Bob Hastings, Stuart McKinlay, Catrin Elen Morris, Jane Bowie, Rod Fricker from Pearson Longman


Trasforma gli aggettivi in grassetto in avverbi e riscrivi le frasi inserendo gli avverbi nel posto giusto.


  1. Carlo spoke clearly during the presentation.
  2. Sasha plays the flute wonderfully.
  3. Franco is waiting patiently for his new laptop to arrive.
  4. I slept terribly last night!
  5. Pete failed his driving test because he didn’t study hard.
  6. They placed the new printer gently on the table.

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